Carita Feliz
From Hotel Gran Francia, walk down Calle Caimito which becomes Calle San Juan del Sur. Fifth street on the right, opposite Panaderia San Juan del Sur.
Phone:+505 552 7979 The mission of Carita Feliz is to deliver whatever services to the local community that there is sufficient demand for and where it can be done in a cost-effective and sustainable manner. We are always trying to find new and innovative ways to give more back to the people who invest time and energy in coming to the center. Our suggestions box is always full and opened weekly – we’re never short of ideas, just people to turn them into a reality.
Specifically, the center meets 4 primary needs of the local community:
The need for adequate food to have the physical ability to learn and work;
The need for relevant education and skills to be able to progress in life;
The need for satisfying, fair, and independent work to earn for their families;
The need to gain self-confidence, independence, responsibility, and ambition.
La Esperanza
La Esperanza Granada is a free-of-charge volunteer organization that assists local communities to improve their quality of life through education. We are supported entirely by individual donations, none of which are used for administrative costs. Our motto is to give a hand up, not a handout. The core of our work is assisting teachers by tutoring 1st and 2nd grade in basic reading, writing, and mathematics in 4 rural government schools on the outskirts of Granada. We have a secondary school sponsorship program that provides young people the opportunity to continue their education past 6th grade. Other projects include teaching English to primary grades, promoting health in both the schools with our school/community nurse and the community through workshops and special activities and improving the conditions of the schools with construction assistance. We have helped, and continue to help groups of women start their own small enterprises making handicrafts which we sell in our shop front office.
We are looking for volunteers to help with any of the above-mentioned activities, as well as administration and special projects (research, translation, handy work, etc.) Specific placement depends on individual interests as well as our needs. We require an 8-week minimum commitment as well as intermediate-level Spanish, charge no fees to participate, and have low-cost housing options available to longer-term volunteers. We accept volunteers throughout the year, with orientation taking place on Mondays.